Texas Counties Deliver – learn how county government serves you
Llano County Elections

Andrea Wilson,
Elections Administrator

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 787
Llano, Texas 78643

Physical Address:
1447 E. St. Hwy 71, Ste A
Llano, Texas 78643

Phone: 325-247-5425

Rachel Wimberley-Assistant Elections Administrator
LaJuana Wimberley-Deputy Voter Registrar
Brenda Morrison-Records Clerk

The information on this site is best viewed on a desktop computer.

  • Namerequired
    Phone Numberrequired
    How can we help?required

VERIFY YOUR VOTER REGISTRATIONClick here if you would like to verify your voter registration. 

THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 2025 is the LAST day to register to vote for the May Joint General Election!

Your Application for Ballot By Mail expires on December 31st of EACH year and you must reapply every year. You can call our office and request an application or print one by clicking here.



Track Your Ballot: Please note, these links will take you to state websites that allow you to track the status of your Ballot by Mail or FPCA Ballot as well as your FPCA and Application for Ballot by Mail.

        Ballot By Mail Tracking
        FPCA Tracking


Pursuant to Section 63.0015, Election Code, an election officer shall give voting order priority to individuals with a mobility problem that substantially impairs the person's ability to move around. A person assisting an individual with a mobility problem may also, at the individual's request, be given voting order priority. Disabilities and conditions that may qualify you for voting order priority include paralysis, lung disease, the use of portable oxygen, cardiac deficiency, severe limitation in the ability to walk due to arthritic, neurological, or orthopedic condition, wheelchair confinement, arthritis, foot disorder, the inability to walk 200 feet without stopping to rest, or use of a brace, cane, crutch, or other assistive device.

You can also vote curbside by calling 325-247-5425 (press 1 to speak with a representative). We will need to know the polling location you are at, as well as the color and make of your vehicle. We will then inform the election personnel at your polling location and they will be with you promptly. 

    Sunrise Beach
    Order of Election

    City of Llano
    Order of Election

    Llano Independent School District
    Order of Election
    Notice of Election



    Coming Soon

    For Early Voting, a voter may vote at any of the locations listed below

    Para Votación Adelantada, los votantes podrán votar en cualquiera de las ubicaciones nombradas abajo

    EARLY VOTING HOURS (All Locations Below):
    Horario de Votación Temprana (todas las ubicaciones abajo: 

    Early voting will be starting Tuesday, April 22, 2025 thru Friday, April 25, 2025 8:00 am- 5:00 pm
    Monday, April 28 thru Tuesday, April 29, 2025 8:00 am- 5:00 pm

    La votación anticipada comenzará desde el martes 22 de abril de 2025 hasta el viernes 25 de abril de 2025 de 8:00 a. m. a 5:00 p.m.
    Del lunes 28 de abril al martes 29 de abril de 2025 de 8:00 a. m. a 5:00 p. m.

    Llano County Library- 
    102 E. Haynie, Llano, Texas 78643 click for directions using Google Maps

    Kingsland Public Library- 125 W. Polk, Kingsland, Tx 78639 click for directions using Google Maps
    City of Horseshoe Bay Chamber Room- 1 Community Dr. Horseshoe Bay, TX 78657 click for directions using Google Maps

    (Sitios de votación el Día de Elección) 
    Saturday- May 3, 2025
    (Sábado- 3 de mayo de 2025)

    Polls will be open 7:00am until 7:00 pm at each location (Las urnas estarán abiertas de 7:00 a.m. a 7:00 p.m. en cada lugar)
    On Election Day, voters must vote in the precinct where registered to vote. 
    (El Día de Elección, los votantes deberán votar en el precinto donde están inscritos para votar, a menos que el programa de sitios de votación del condado se está utilizando en la elección.)

    Precinct 101- Llano County Ag & Health Bldg.  1447 E. State Hwy 71 Ste B, Llano, TX 78643
    Precinct 108- Sunrise Beach City Hall Civic Center Complex 124 Sunrise Beach, Sunrise Beach, TX 78643
    Precincts 102/109- Horseshoe Bay City of Horseshoe Bay Council Chambers 1 Community Dr., Horseshoe Bay, TX 78657
    Precincts 203/204/205- Bluffton Lakeshore Branch Library 7346 RR 261, Buchanan Dam, TX  78609
    Precinct 307- Kingsland Kingsland Public Library 125 W. Polk, Kingsland, TX 78639
    Precinct 410- West Llano Llano County Library 102 E. Haynie, Llano, TX 78643

    Your Voting Precinct number is printed on your Voter Certificate, or you can call the Llano County Elections Office for assistance: (325) 247-5425


    First day to apply for a Ballot by Mail- Wednesday, January 1, 2025
    (Primer día para solicitar una boleta por correo: miércoles 1 de enero de 2025)
    Application for Ballot by Mail shall be mailed to:
    (Las solicitudes para boletas que se votarán adelantada por correo deberán enviarse a:)

    Andrea Wilson, Early Voting Clerk (Nombre del Secretario/a de la Votación Adelantada),
    PO Box 787, Llano, Texas 78643 (Dirección)
    325-247-5425 (Número de teléfono),
    (Dirección de Correo Electrónico)
    Application for Ballot by Mail- English
    Application for Ballot by Mail- Spanish

    Last day to apply for a Ballot by Mail – Tuesday, April 22, 2025 (must be received by this day, NOT postmarked)
    Las solicitudes para boletas que se votarán adelantada por correo deberán recibirse no más tardar de las horas de negocio el 4/22/2025.
    Last day to apply for FPCA – Tuesday, April 22, 2025  (must be received by this day, NOT postmarked)
    (La Tarjeta Federal Postal de Solicitud deberán recibirse no más tardar de las horas de negocio el 4/22/2025.)

    Last Day to Register to Vote – Thursday, April 3, 2025 
    (Último día para registrarse para votar: jueves 3 de abril de 2025)

    Voter Registration Application

    Are you unsure if you are registered to vote? Click here to find out!

    If you are interested in working elections you can find more information under the Election Worker tab below. 

  • May 3, 2025 Joint, General Election

    Wednesday, January 1, 2025*

    First day to apply for a ballot by mail using Application for a Ballot by Mail (ABBM) or Federal Postcard Application (FPCA).
    *First day to file does not move because of New Year’s Day holiday.

    Wednesday, January 15, 2025

    First Day to File for a Place on the General Election Ballot (Local Non-County Political Subdivisions Only, such as a city or a MUD)

    Friday, February 14, 2025 at 5:00 p.m.

    Last Day to File for a Place on the General Election Ballot (Local Non-County Political Subdivisions Only, such as a city or a MUD)

    Thursday, April 3, 2025

    Last Day to Register to Vote

    Tuesday, April 22, 2025*
    *First business day after San Jacinto Day

    First Day of Early Voting by Personal Appearance

    Tuesday, April 22, 2025

    Last Day to Apply for Ballot by Mail
    (Received, not Postmarked)

    Tuesday, April 29, 2025

    Last Day of Early Voting by Personal Appearance

    Saturday, May 3, 2025 (election day) at 7:00 p.m. if carrier envelope is not postmarked, OR Monday, May 5, 2025 (next business day after Election Day) at 5:00 p.m. if carrier envelope is postmarked by 7:00 p.m. at the location of the election on Election Day (unless overseas or military voter deadlines apply)4

    Last day to Receive Ballot by Mail at 7:00 p.m. if carrier envelope is not postmarked, OR Wednesday, November 6, 2024 (next business day after Election Day) at 5:00 p.m. if carrier envelope is postmarked by 7:00 p.m. at the location of the election on Election Day (unless overseas or military voter deadlines apply)


    November 4, 2025 Constitutional Amendment Election


    Wednesday, January 1, 2025*

    First day to apply for a ballot by mail using Application for a Ballot by Mail (ABBM) or Federal Postcard Application (FPCA).
    *First day to file does not move because of New Year’s Day holiday.

    Saturday, July 19, 2025 (“first day” does not move; office hours not required)

    First Day to File for a Place on the General Election Ballot (Local Non-County Political Subdivisions Only, such as a city or a MUD)

    Monday, August 18, 2025 at 5:00 p.m.

    Last Day to File for a Place on the General Election Ballot (Local Non-County Political Subdivisions Only, such as a city or a MUD)

    Monday, October 6, 2025

    Last Day to Register to Vote

    Monday, October 20, 2025 (17th day before election day falls on a Saturday, first day moves to next business day)

    First Day of Early Voting by Personal Appearance

    Friday, October 24, 2025

    Last Day to Apply for Ballot by Mail
    (Received, not Postmarked)

    Friday, October 31, 2025

    Last Day of Early Voting by Personal Appearance

    Tuesday, November 4, 2025 (election day) at 7:00 p.m. if carrier envelope is not postmarked, OR Wednesday, November 5, 2023 (next business day after Election Day) at 5:00 p.m. if carrier envelope is postmarked by 7:00 p.m. at the location of the election on Election Day (unless overseas or military voter deadlines apply)

    Last day to Receive Ballot by Mail at 7:00 p.m. if carrier envelope is not postmarked, OR Wednesday, November 6, 2024 (next business day after Election Day) at 5:00 p.m. if carrier envelope is postmarked by 7:00 p.m. at the location of the election on Election Day (unless overseas or military voter deadlines apply)


  • You are eligible to register to vote if:

    You are a United States citizen;
          • You are a resident of the county where you submit the application;
          • You are at le
    ast 17 years and 10 months old, and you are 18 years of age on Election Day.
          • You are not a convicted felon (you may be eligible to vote if you have completed your sentence, probation, and parole); and
          • You have not been declared by a court exercising probate jurisdiction to be either totally mentally incapacitated or partially mentally incapacitated without the right to vote.

    Applications can be picked up at any of the following locations:

    • County Libraries

             • Kingsland Library – 125 W. Polk Street, Kingsland, TX 78639
             • Lakeshore Library – 7346 RR 261, Buchanan Dam, TX 78609
             • Llano Library- 102 E. Haynie Street, Llano, TX 78643

    •  County Justice of the Peace Offices
             • JP 1 – 101 Ferguson Road, Horseshoe Bay, TX 78657
             • JP 2 – 8347 RR 1431, Buchanan Dam, TX 78609
             • JP 3 – 8347 RR 1431, Buchanan Dam, TX 78609
             • JP 4 – 2001-B N. St. Hwy. 16, Llano, TX 78643
    • Llano County Elections Office – 1447 E. St. Hwy 71, Ste. A, Llano, TX 78643 

    Am I registered to vote?

    Fill out a Voter Registration Application using this link, print, sign, and mail to the Llano County Elections Office
    Llano County Elections
    PO BOX 787
    Llano, Texas 78643

    Voter Registration Cancellation
    If you would like to cancel your voter registration please fill out the above form and mail it to our PO Box address above or contact our office at 325-247-5425 and we will assist you with the process. 

    Requests for Voter Registration lists must be must be submitted through the Llano County Public Information portal at:
    https://www.co.llano.tx.us/page/LLano.PublicInformation and 
    accompanied with the Voter Registration List Affidavit.

    The Voter Registration List Affidavit is in ADDITION TO the Public Information Records Request form the portal requires.

    PLEASE BE ADVISED § 18.067. Unlawful Use of Voter Registration File Information
    (a) A person commits an offense if the person uses information in connection with advertising or promoting commercial products or services that the person knows was obtained under Section 18.066. 
    (b) An offense under this section is a Class A misdemeanor.  Acts 1985, 69th Leg., ch. 211, § 1, eff. Jan. 1, 1986.  Amended by Acts 1997, 75th Leg., ch. 864, § 13, eff. Sept. 1, 1997.

  • If you are looking for election specific information please find the tab with the election you are interested in.

    Voter ID Requirements for Texas Voters

     Photo ID questions

    Click Button for more Information

    ID Poster - English
    ID Poster - Spanish

    Pursuant to Section 63.0015, Election Code, an election officer shall give voting order priority to individuals with a mobility problem that substantially impairs the person's ability to move around. A person assisting an individual with a mobility problem may also, at the individual's request, be given voting order priority. Disabilities and conditions that may qualify you for voting order priority include paralysis, lung disease, the use of portable oxygen, cardiac deficiency, severe limitation in the ability to walk due to arthritic, neurological, or orthopedic condition, wheelchair confinement, arthritis, foot disorder, the inability to walk 200 feet without stopping to rest, or use of a brace, cane, crutch, or other assistive device.


    You can also vote curbside by calling 325-248-7943. We will need to know the polling location you are at, as well as the color and make of your vehicle. We will then inform the election personnel at your polling location and they will be with you promptly. 

    Are you a student away at college but registered to vote here in your home county?
    You may be eligible to vote an absentee ballot. Fill out an Application for Ballot by Mail and mail it to our office before the last day to apply. Please remember, the last day to apply means the last day for our office to receive it.  

    Application for Ballot by Mail- English
    Application for Ballot by Mail- Spanish

    Llano County uses the Hart Verity Duo. It was unanimously adopted for use by Commissioners Court on August 26, 2019. 

    The equipment is manufactured in Pflugerville, Texas and sold nationwide.  This is a hybrid system that combines an electronic ballot marking device with a voter verifiable paper trail (VVPT).  Voters will vote on an electronic device and receive a hard copy ballot with their selections listed for their review.  Once voters are satisfied their selections are correct, the voter will scan the ballot which records their vote.  This hard copy ballot will be available to elections workers if a recount is required, making this system of voting fully auditable. 

    For more information, please call us at 325-247-5425.

    Instructions for using Hart Verity Duo


    Voter Confidentiality Program

    Confidentiality Guide for Voters
    Confidentiality Form- Victim
    Confidentiality Form- Peace Officer
    Confidentiality Form- Judicial and Peace Officer spouse

  • Vote by Mail (Application for Ballot by Mail): First day to file for Absentee Ballot or FPCA is January 1.

    LAST DAY to apply for a Ballot by Mail – Tuesday, April 22, 2025 (May Joint General Election) (must be received by this day, NOT postmarked)

    If you are unsure if your application for ballot by mail has been received and accepted by our office, please visit votetexas.gov. Under Track My Ballot you can verify your application status. 

    Application for a Ballot by Mail (ABBM)- If you are voting early because of an expected absence, you may apply in person for a ballot by mail before the early “voting in person” period begins (usually the 17th day before the election). If you are voting by mail because you are disabled or are 65 years of age or older, you may use a single application to request ballots by mail for all county elections in the calendar year. To do so, simply mark “Annual Application” on your application for a ballot by mail when selecting the election for which you are applying.

    If you are voting in a political party’s primary election, you MUST check which party’s primary you are voting in to receive the correct primary ballot.

    Click Here for an Application for Ballot by Mail – - Once you have completed the form, please mail it to:
    Llano County Elections Office
    P.O. Box 787
    Llano, Texas 78643
    Application for Ballot by Mail- English
    Application for Ballot by Mail- Spanish

    You are eligible to vote early with a FPCA if you are qualified to vote in Texas and you are:

    • Active duty military, spouses, and dependents (voting from outside the home Texas county)
    • U.S. Citizens (nonmilitary) temporarily overseas* away from the home Texas county
    • U.S. Citizens (nonmilitary) permanently overseas* away from the (previous) home Texas county
    • Members of the merchant marine, spouses, and dependents (voting from outside the home Texas county)
    • Members of the Texas National Guard, spouses, and dependents (voting from outside the home Texas county)
    • Members of a National Guard of another state, spouses, and dependents (voting from outside the home Texas county)
    • Members of the military reserves on active duty, spouses, and dependents (voting from outside the home Texas county)


    Federal law defines “overseas” as anywhere outside the United States.
    If you are not one of these voters, you need the regular early voting by mail procedures.

    What does the FPCA form do?

    • Registers you onto the permanent voter rolls 30 days after receipt by the county (unless voter marks indefinitely away / do not intend to return)
    • Functions as an application for ballot by mail and gives you temporary registration status for certain offices
    • If voter marks indefinitely away (older form) / do not intend to return (newer form), voter receives federal ballot only

    When is the FPCA deadline?

    • General rule: deadline is the 11th day before Election Day (earlier is recommended)

    Click here to print and fill out the FPCA application - Once you have completed the form, please mail it to:
    Llano County Elections Office
    P.O. Box 787
    Llano, Texas 78643

    Military and overseas voters are welcome to use the regular registration and early voting by mail process available to all voters away from their home county on Election Day. However, there are also special provisions for military and overseas voters.



    Election Worker Training for the Saturday, May 3, 2025 Joint General Election will be held April 3rd, 2025 at 9 am for Election Judges/DEVC (3 hours) and 2pm for Election Clerks (2 hours) at the Llano County East Annex at 8347 West Ranch Road 1431, Buchanan Dam, Texas 78609.

    How do I become a Poll Worker? 
    We are excited that you are interested in serving as a poll worker. This position is vital to the elections process. Without those willing to serve, elections would grind to a halt. If you are interested in working at an election site please print and complete the application at the link below and submit to the Llano County Election Administrator’s office.
    We are always actively recruiting poll workers and keep a list of those interested in serving.
    You may also directly contact one of the major political parties, a local political subdivision, or a precinct presiding judge.
    Election Worker Application

    All poll workers must be trained PRIOR to working the polls. Your options for training are our in-person workshops held prior to  each election, or the Texas Online Poll Worker Training.
    Your precinct presiding Judge is statutorily required to inform you of the upcoming in-person training schedule. However, this training is open to the public, free and anyone is welcome to attend. 
    Texas Online Poll Worker Training

    Handbook for Election Judges and Poll Workers

    Below there are 2 links to the required paperwork.  HR must have both your Employee paperwork and a current W-4. 
    Employee Paperwork
    W-4 2025  Your W4 paperwork MUST have your SSN

    updated: 1/15/2025

  • Welcome! We at the Llano County Elections Office are excited that you are interested in becoming a participant in our Volunteer Deputy Registrar Program. Volunteering to serve and assist in registering eligible citizens to vote is easy, and it has become even easier as Llano County now offers ONLINE training to become a Volunteer Deputy Registrar.
    ¡Bienvenido! Nosotros en la Oficina de Elecciones del Condado de Llano estamos muy contentos de que usted está interesado en convertirse en un participante en nuestro Programa de Registradores Voluntarios Adjuntos. Ser voluntario para servir y ayudar en el registro de ciudadanos elegibles para votar es fácil, y se ha vuelto aún más fácil ya que el Condado de Llano ahora ofrece capacitación EN LÍNEA para convertirse en un subregistrador voluntario.

    A Volunteer Deputy Registrar must meet the following qualifications: 
    Un Registrador Adjunto Voluntario debe cumplir con los siguientes requisitos:

    • be at least 18 years of age; tener al menos 18 años de edad;
    • be a United States citizen; ser ciudadano de los Estados Unidos;
    • a resident of the State of Texas; ser residente del estado de Texas;
    • not have been determined by a final judgment of a court exercising probate jurisdiction to be no haber sido determinado por una sentencia final de un tribunal que ejerza jurisdicción testamentaria como  
      (1) totally mentally incapacitated or (1) totalmente incapacitado mentalmente o
      (2) partially mentally incapacitated without the right to vote;  (2) parcialmente incapacitado mentalmente sin derecho a voto;
    • never have been convicted of failing to deliver a voter’s application to a voter registrar; nunca haber sido condenado por no entregar una solicitud de elector a un registrador de votantes;
    • not have been finally convicted of a felony, or if convicted, must have been no haber sido finalmente condenado por un delito grave, o si es condenado, debe haber sido
      (1) fully discharged from the sentence, including any term of incarceration parole, or supervision; or completed a period of probation ordered by any court, or (1) completamente liberado de la sentencia, incluyendo cualquier término de libertad condicional de encarcelamiento, o supervisión; o completó un período de libertad condicional ordenado por cualquier corte, o
      (2) been pardoned or otherwise released from the resulting disability to vote; (2) fue indultado o liberado de otra manera de la discapacidad resultante para votar;
    • not have been finally convicted of identity theft under Section 32.51 of the Penal Code. no haber sido condenado definitivamente por robo de identidad bajo la Sección 32.51 del Código Penal.

    DUTIES deberes y responsabilidades
    A Volunteer Deputy Registrar may: Un Subregistrador Voluntario puede:

    • distribute voter registration applications, Distribuir las solicitudes de registro de votantes, 
    • assist applicants in completing voter registration applications and ayudar a los solicitantes a completar las solicitudes de registro de votantes y
    • accept completed voter registration applications from eligible applicants. Aceptar las solicitudes de registro de votantes completadas de los solicitantes elegibles.

    Volunteer Deputy Registrars must review for completeness each voter registration application submitted to them while the applicant is still in their presence. Incomplete applications must be returned to the applicant for completion.  Los Registradores Adjuntos Voluntarios deben revisar para su integridad cada solicitud de registro de votantes que se les presente mientras el solicitante todavía está en su presencia. Las solicitudes incompletas deben ser devueltas al solicitante para su finalización.

    Volunteer Deputy Registrars must issue a receipt to each applicant who submits a voter registration application. Los Registradores Adjuntos Voluntarios deben emitir un recibo a cada solicitante que presente una solicitud de registro de votante.

    Volunteer Deputy Registrars must personally deliver completed voter registration applications that they accept to the Elections Department within five days of receipt, but not later than the day following the last day to register to vote in the next election.
    Failure to timely return a voter registration application is a criminal offense and grounds for termination of the Volunteer Deputy Registrar appointment.   !!!! 
    Failure to deliver an application in a timely manner is a criminal offense !!!!
    Los subregistradores voluntarios deben entregar personalmente las solicitudes de registro de votantes completadas que acepten al Departamento de Elecciones dentro de los cinco días posteriores a la recepción, pero no más tarde del día siguiente al último día para inscribirse para votar en la próxima elección. El hecho de que <br> no devuelva oportunamente una solicitud de registro de votantes es un delito penal y causa para la terminación del nombramiento de subsecretario voluntario.  ¡¡¡¡No entregar una solicitud a tiempo es un delito!!!

    Steps to take:

    1. Fill out the Application Rellene la solicitud
    2. Click here for the Texas Secretary of State’s approved training material (PDF)
      Capaciatacion para Subregistradores voluntarios de Texas 
    3. Please give us a call at 325-247-5425 to RSVP to come take your exam. 
      Llámenos al 325-247-5425 para confirmar su asistencia y venir a tomar su examen.
    4. Take your exam at: (Don’t worry, it’s open book)
      Haz tu examen en: (No te preocupes, es libro abierto)
      Llano County Elections Office

      1447 E. St. Hwy 71, Ste A
      Llano, Texas 78643

    Texas Volunteer Deputy Registrar Guide Guía del Secretario de voluntarios de Texas:
    (These links will take you to the Secretary of State Website)
    English Version
    Spanish Version

    FAQ's Preguntas frecuentes:
    English Version
    Spanish Version

    We will provide you with a printed copy of the guide, your certificate of appointment and a supplies packet once you have competed the state approved training and taken your exam.
    Le proporcionaremos una copia impresa de la guía, su certificado de cita y un paquete de suministros una vez que haya completado la capacitación aprobada por el estado y haya realizado su examen.

    Volunteer Deputy Registrars serve for two-year terms that expire on December 31 of even-numbered years. You must complete training again once your term has expired. Current Volunteer Deputy Voter Registrar terms will expire on December 31, 2024. 
    Los Subregistradores Voluntarios sirven por períodos de dos años que expiran el 31 de diciembre de los años pares. Debe completar el entrenamiento nuevamente una vez que su término haya expirado. Los términos actuales del Subsecretario de Votantes Voluntarios expirarán el 31 de diciembre de 2024.

    For current Texas Volunteer Deputy Registrars:
    Para los actuales Registradores Adjuntos Voluntarios de Texas:
    You may print and make copies of the Voter Registration Application with receipt attached:  English 
    Puede imprimir y hacer copias de la Solicitud de Registro de Votante con recibo adjunto: Spanish

    Updated: 9/1/2023

If you are looking for something and can't find it, please give us a call. We are always happy to help.