Are you considering running for political office?
You will find the answers to some of your questions here, however if you would like more detailed information you will need to visit the Secretary of State website and the Texas Ethics Commission website.
The FIRST thing you must know is, are you qualified? Qualifications for all public offices
NOTE: Please be aware that all information a candidate files becomes public record and IS subject to the Public Information Act. Interested citizens, other candidates and members of the news media may ask to see the information that you file as a candidate.
Primary Elections are held in March of even numbered years.
The very FIRST thing you must do before announcing candidacy for ANY office is file a Campaign Treasurer Appointment form with our office.
Llano County Candidate Contact Sheet
Llano County Signatures Required for Petition In Lieu of Filing Fee
Application For Place on the General Primary Ballot
Petition in Lieu of Filing Fee and/ or Petition for Judicial Office for Primary Election
Chapter 602 Government Code
Additional forms you might need can be found here- SOS
Here- Ethics Commission, for Local Non-Judicial Candidates/ Officeholders.
Here- Ethics Commission, for Judicial Candidates/ Officeholders
IMPORTANT DATES FOR CANDIDATES: These dates will be updated prior to the next primary election season.
Tuesday, September 12, 2023 - First day to file for a place on the Primary ballot for precinct chair candidates
Saturday, November 11, 2023 - First day to file for all other candidates for offices that are regularly scheduled to be on the Primary ballot; first day for independent candidates to file declaration of intent.
Monday, December 11, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Filing deadline for primary candidates; filing deadline for independent candidates to file declaration of intent.
FILING AUTHORITY - COUNTY ELECTION ADMINISTRATOR: All Candidates and/or Officeholders for countywide offices, precinct specific offices within the county and single-county criminal district attorney must the file following forms with the local county elections administrator:
- Appointment of Campaign Treasurer By a Candidate (Form CTA)
- Code of Fair Campaign Practices (Form CFCP)
- Campaign Finance Report (Form C/OH)
- Amendments to any of the forms listed above
Texas Ethics Commission - Campaign Finance Schedule
NOTE: Single-County Criminal District Attorney candidates/officeholders must file their Personal Financial Statements (Form PFS) directly with the Texas Ethics Commission. For more information about this report please contact the Texas Ethics Commission at (512) 463-5800.
FILING AUTHORITY - COUNTY CHAIR: All Candidates and/or Officeholders for countywide offices, precinct specific offices within the county, single-county district judge and single-county criminal district attorney must file the following with the local county chair of their political party.
- Application for a Place on the Primary Ballot
- Filing Fee or Petition in Lieu of the Filing Fee
FILING AUTHORITY - TEXAS ETHICS COMMISSION: All Candidates and/or Officeholders for single-county district judge must the file directly with the Texas Ethics Commission. For more information about your filing requirements please contact the Texas Ethics Commission at (512) 463-5800.
Texas Secretary of State Candidate Forms - Here you will find Application, Declaration, & Nomination forms; Write-In Candidate Forms; Minor Party Forms; Petition in Lieu of Filing Fee for Candidate Filings forms; Creating a New Political Party Forms; Independent Candidate Forms, etc.
Note: A list of filing fees is included on each application and each form is in both English and Spanish
Electioneering and Campaigning
Political Fundraisers, What you need to know
Political Advertising, What you need to know
Campaign Signs - TxDOT Rules -TxDOT only controls the placement of signs in relation to the highway. For other questions concerning campaign signs or political advertising, you may wish to visit the Texas Ethics
IMPORTANT: The Elections Department will not answer questions pertaining to Texas Ethics Commission Forms. These forms are legal documents which warrant legal advice from an attorney. The Commission has attorneys on staff available to assist you.
Office's that will be on the Ballot for 2026 are listed in the Internet Posting Requirements and Candidate Information tab below and are the offices ending on 12/31/2026.
Last updated1/27/2025